


(1.贵州师范大学 体育学院,贵州 贵阳 5500012.中国地质大学(武汉) 体育学院,湖北 武汉 4300743.贵州中医药大学,贵州 贵阳 5500024.华中师范大学 体育学院,湖北 武汉 430079)  

要:通过文献资料、实证调研、逻辑分析等方法对社会组织参与中小学体育治理的相关 问题进行研究。研究认为:政府部门颁布的相关政策文件以及由此确立的社会组织合法性教育治 理地位构成社会组织参与中小学体育治理的合法性出场逻辑,中小学体育发展的现实需求构成其 出场的合理性逻辑。随着体教融合与“双减”政策的逐步推进实施,社会组织参与中小学体育治 理的领域正逐步拓宽、范围逐步加大、程度不断加深,但仍面临制度空间约束、自身能力欠缺、 社会认同缺失等现实困境。要通过不断优化社会组织参与中小学体育治理的政策制度环境、健全 参与机制、拓展治理空间、加强组织自身能力建设、增强社会认同等策略化解当前所面临的困境, 促进社会组织有效参与中小学体育治理,构建全新的中小学体育治理格局,全面提升学校体育综 合育人效果,助推“双减”政策贯彻落实和教育高质量发展国家战略目标实现。 


中图分类号:G807.0 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1006-7116(2023)01-0090-09

Research on the logic, dilemma and reason of social organizations participating in sports governance of primary and secondary schools under the background of
LIU Zhuanqing,LIU Huarong,HE Qiling,XIA Guixia

(1.School of physical EducationGuizhou Normal UniversityGuiyang 550001China2.School of physical EducationChina University of Geosciences (Wuhan)Wuhan 430074China3.Guizhou University of Traditional Chinese MedicineGuiyang 550002China4.School of Physical EducationCentral China Normal UniversityWuhan 430079China)  

Abstract: This paper studies the relevant issues of social organizations participating in sports governance in  primary and secondary schools with the methods such as literature, empirical research, logical analysis, etc. The  results show that the relevant policy documents issued by the government departments which established the legal  education governance status of social organizations constitute the legitimacy of social organizations' participation in  sports governance in primary and secondary schools, and the realistic needs of the development of primary and  secondary school sports constitute the rationality of its presence. With the gradual implementation of the policy  “integration of physical education and cultural education” and "double reduction", the field of social organizations  participating in primary and secondary school sports governance is gradually broadening, the scope is gradually  increasing, and the degree is deepening. However, they still face practical difficulties such as institutional space  constraints, lack of their own ability, lack of social identity and so on. In order to solve the current difficulties, it is necessary to optimize the policy and institutional environment for social organizations to participate in sports  governance in primary and secondary schools, to improve the participation mechanism, to expand the governance  space, to strengthen the organization's own capacity building, to enhance social identity and other strategies, to  promote social organizations to effectively participate in sports governance in primary and secondary schools, to  build a new pattern of sports governance in primary and secondary schools, to comprehensively improve the effect  of school sports comprehensive education, and to promote the implementation of the "double reduction" policy and  the realization of the national strategic goal of high-quality development of education. 

Keywords: school physical educationsocial organizationsports governanceprimary and secondary schools"double reduction" policy
