(1.湖南工业大学 法学院,湖南 株洲 412007;2.湖南工业大学 体育学院,湖南 株洲 412007) 摘 要:作为国家治理与行业自治的关键枢纽,内部体育纠纷化解机制内含着社会治理新范 式的价值逻辑,凸显共建共治共享理念与体育行业自治的融合维度。通过文献资料、比较分析等 研究方法,在论述共建共治共享的制度意蕴和体育治理的全新语境的基础上,分析内部体育纠纷 化解机制在社会治理范式转换中的多元发展逻辑。研究认为:当前存在司法介入范围不清、法律 依据模糊、诉讼与非诉讼救济机制协调不畅以及协会权力规制缺失等问题,故需要国家体育行政 部门、司法机关和其他相关公共权力机构通力协作、多措并举,以国家法规制度和契约为权力来 源,以兼顾当事人权利诉求和社会秩序为导向,形成国家和非政府体育组织之间自下而上的运行 向度,构建以体育协会规范自治为基础,替代性纠纷化解机制为依托,司法有序介入为后盾,各 种纠纷解决方式有机协调的内部体育纠纷多元化解机制。 关 键 词:体育法;体育治理;内部体育纠纷;多元化解机制;社会治理范式 中图分类号:G80-05 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1006-7116(2022)03-0072-11 |
LIU Xieci,LIU Yayun,FANG Yuan
(1.School of Law,Hunan University of Technology,Zhuzhou 412007,China; 2.School of Physical Education,Hunan University of Technology,Zhuzhou 412007,China) Abstract: As a key hub for national governance and autonomy for the sports industry, the internal sports dispute resolution mechanism contains the value logic of the new paradigm of social governance, which highlights the integration dimensions of the concept of “co-construction, co-governance, and sharing” and the autonomy of the sports industry. Through the methods of literature, comparative analysis and others, on the basis of discussing the institutional meaning of co-construction, co-governance and sharing and the new context of sports governance, this study analyzes the multiple development logic of the internal sports dispute resolution mechanism in the transformation of social governance paradigm, and concludes that the current sports dispute resolution mechanism has problems such as unclear scope of judicial intervention, vague legal basis, poor coordination between litigation and non-litigation relief mechanisms, and the lack of guild power regulation and other issues. Therefore, it is necessary for the national sports administrative department, judicial organs and other relevant public authorities to work together and take multiple measures, taking national laws and regulations and contracts as the source of power, and taking into account the rights of the parties and the social order as the orientation, to form a bottom-up running dimension between national and non-governmental sports organization. Construct a multiple internal sports dispute resolution mechanism based on the normative autonomy of sports guilds, backed by alternative dispute resolution mechanisms, and by orderly judicial intervention, and organic coordination of various dispute resolution methods. Keywords: sports law;sports governance;internal sports disputes;multiple resolution mechanism;social governance paradigm |