


(上海体育学院 休闲学院,上海 200438)

摘       要:梳理美国社会工作为青少年运动员服务的历程,厘清其不同时期的主张与实践策略。研究发现美国社会工作介入青少年运动员服务的特点和经验:青少年运动员现实需求与“青年崇拜”文化的内在驱动;资源共享与规范化发展是其外在保障;社团模式是主要的运行机制;多样化的服务内容以及全球推广是未来发展方向。对于我国的青少年运动员服务的启示:关注青少年运动员身心健康,鼓励社工力量介入竞技体育服务;探索社工与体育领域跨界合作的方式,达到资源共享效果;高校助力社工介入体育实践与理论的提升。
关 键 词 :体育社会学;社会工作;青少年运动员;美国体育社工联盟
中图分类号:G80-05 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1006-7116(2021)02-0035-05

The evolution course and experience of social work intervening in the service of young athletes in the United States
XI Ya-jian,ZHENG Guo-hua

(School of Leisure Sport,Shanghai University of Sport,Shanghai 200438,China)

Abstract: Summarizing the evolution course of social work in the service of young athletes in the United States, clarifying the opinions and practical strategies during different periods, the study finds that there are some essential features and experiences of American social work intervening in the service of young athletes: the actual needs of young athletes and the culture of "youth worship" are internally driven; resource sharing and standardized development are its external guarantee; community model is the main operational mechanism; diversified service content and global promotion are the future development direction. The nlightenment for China's youth athletes service as follows: paying attention to the physical and mental health of youth athletes, encouraging social workers to intervene in competitive sports service; exploring ways of cross-boundary cooperation between social workers and sports in order to achieve resource sharing effect; colleges and universities help social workers to intervene in the improvement of practice and theory with physical education.
Key words: sports sociology;social work;young athletes;ASWIS
