(1.北部湾大学 体育教学部,广西 钦州 535011;2.玉林师范学院 体育健康学院,广西 玉林 537000) 摘 要:依据概念史的理论与方法,以“狼兵”概念为逻辑起点,对“狼兵”与“狼兵武技”之间的相互建构进行考察,试图对以“狼兵武技”为主要拳种的古壮拳文化个性进行透视。研究认为:“俍兵”“郎首”“㟖人”等概念语义基本观念的转变背后折射出“狼兵”是他者建构的历史概念;“尚武”“忠主”“智谋”的狼兵身体文化是“狼兵”与“狼兵武技”之间构建的核心要素,彰显“狼”性的文化特质;“土兵”“耕兵”“土民”等新生概念揭示特定历史时期狼兵“狼”性文化形成的深层动因,同时印证了以“狼兵武技”为主要构件的古壮拳文化个性。 |
TANG Ming-huan1,WANG Xiao-chen2,LI Nai-qiong1
(1.Department of Physical Education,Beibu Gulf University,Qinzhou 535011,China; Abstract: Based on the theory and methods of the concept history, taken the concept of “wolf soldiers” as logical point, this research investigates the mutual construction between "wolf soldiers" and "martial arts of wolf soldiers" and discovers cultural personality of the ancient boxing. The study holds that under the transformations of basic concepts for conceptual semantics such as "Lang warrior", "Lang master" and "Long people", reflect the history concept of the “wolf soldier” created by the others; physical culture of the “wolf soldier” including "admirable to army", "loyal to the master", and "wise and strategic" are the core elements constructed between the “wolf soldier” and “marital arts of wolf soldiers”, and reflects the cultural personality of the feature with “wolf”; the new emerging concepts of "native soldiers", "tilling soldiers" and "native people" reveal the implicit reasons of the formation of the "wolf" culture of wolf soldiers in a specific historical period, and at the same time confirm the cultural personality of ancient boxing mainly composed with for the “martial arts of wolf soldiers”. |