


(苏州大学 体育学院,江苏 苏州 215021)  

要:“将体育带入耻辱”条款是体育组织纪律处罚规则或运动员参赛报名表中的标准条款, 多采用“兜底”形式描述。研究认为,该条款在设置过程中,容易混淆“将体育带入耻辱”行为 和其他体育不当行为,应当将全部犯罪行为、一部分一般违法行为和少部分体育不当行为纳入“将 体育带入耻辱”行为的范畴内;处罚主体应适格;“将体育带入耻辱”条款在适用过程中能够进行 一定程度的扩张,但需兼顾比例原则。国内体育运动协会纪律处罚规则常以列举的形式阐述“将 体育带入耻辱”条款,容易造成适用时条文的竞合。建议未来规则修改中,进一步厘清体育不当 行为的类型,单设“将体育带入耻辱”条款,并予以兜底规定,以促进体育运动的长足发展。  


中图分类号:G80-05 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1006-7116(2021)06-0042-09

Discussion on disciplinary punishment caused by the “bring sport into shame”
XIONG Ying-zi

(School of Physical EducationSoochow UniversitySuzhou 215021China)  

Abstract: The clause of “bring sport into shame” has been standard clause in the rules of discipline of sports  associations and also in the athletes' entry forms for competitions, which is generally described as “catch all clause”.  The research shows that in the process of adding disrepute clause, it is easy to be confused with other misconducts.  All criminal conducts, part of illegal conducts and a small number of other misconducts should be classified into  disrepute clause. The sport associations who can judge whether there is a disrepute conduct should be limited.  However, the clause of “bring sport into shame” can be applied to a certain extent and it should take into account of  the principle of proportionality. The disciplinary punishment rules of Chinese sports associations often set forth the  provisions of "bringing sport into shame" in the form of enumeration, which is easy to cause competition and  cooperation of rules. It is suggested that in the future, the types of misconduct in sport should be further clarified,  and the provisions of bringing sports into disrepute should be set up, to promote the rapid development of sports. 

 Keywords: sports lawbring sport into shamesportsmanshipdisciplinary punishment
