
体育与健康课程教学新模式构建的思考 ——基于《〈体育与健康〉教学改革指导纲要(试行)》


(1.怀化学院 体育与健康学院,湖南 怀化 4180082.华中师范大学 体育学院,湖北 武汉 4300793.武汉体育学院,湖北 武汉 4300794.俄亥俄州立大学,俄亥俄州 哥伦布 432105.南京师范大学,江苏 南京 210023)  

要:2021 6 月教育部印发了《〈体育与健康〉教学改革指导纲要(试行)》。其指导思想 明确地提出了要“构建科学、有效的体育与健康课程教学新模式”,来“帮助学生掌握 1 2 项运 动技能,促进中小学生运动能力、健康行为、体育品德等核心素养的形成”,从而实现“健康中国” “体育强国”的伟大历史使命。通过分析国内外课程模式的文献资料,基于《纲要》的指导下, 重点从 5 个方面思考如何推进体育与健康课程教学新模式的构建。并建议利用单元教学设计融入 其他合适的课程模式,来实现体育课程的多维目标;构建体育课程与教学内容一体化体系,为新 的课程模式提供系统性和衔接性的教学内容;运用情境学习理论和实战情境课程模式作为理论支 撑与现实路径,来实现运动技能的情境化与结构化教学;挖掘体育之灵魂(玩耍),让学生在运动 中享受乐趣;融入其他健康维度的知识与技能的教学内容,来实现学生身心健康的全面发展。  


中图分类号:G804.6 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1006-7116(2021)06-0075-07

Thoughts on construction for the new teaching model of physical education and healthy curriculum in China ——Based on Teaching Reform Guidelines of Physical Education and Health (Trial Implementation)
LI Yi-ling,PENG Qing-wen,LI Huan-yu,LI Wei-dong,YE Wei

(1.School of Physical Education and HealthHuaihua UniversityHuaihua 418008China2.School of Physical EducationCentral China Normal UniversityWuhan 430079China3.Wuhan Sports UniversityWuhan 430079China4.The Ohio State UniversityColumbus 43210USA5.Nanjing Normal UniversityNanjing 210023China) 

 Abstract: In June 2021, department of education published Teaching Reform Guidelines of Physical Education and  Health (Trial Implementation). Its core philosophical beliefs clearly point out the need to develop scientific and  effective physical education and health curricular models, which can facilitate students to master one or two sports  and promote the development of core literacy among students such as sports skills, health and well-being, and sports  character etc., thus accomplishing the great historical mission of “Healthy China” and “Sports Power”. By analyzing  the literature on curriculum models in China and foreign countries, the purpose of this paper was to discuss five  issues to consider when developing a new curriculum model based on the guidelines. The study suggests that a  combination of teaching units and curricular models can be used to accomplish multiple curricular goals; the  construction of curriculum unification can provide progressive, systematic teaching content; the theory of situated  learning and the curriculum model of situated game teaching through setting players can be used as a framework to  teach sports skills in a situational and structural way; the integration play into physical education teaching can create  experiences of fun and enjoyment; an integration of other dimensions of well-being into a new curriculum model  can accomplish the goal of whole development of students’ well-being.  

Keywords: school physical educationcurriculum modelcurriculum goalintegrated curriculum constructionphysical education and health curriculum
