(北京体育大学 管理学院,北京 100084) 摘 要:奥运会举办城市是奥林匹克运动可持续发展和奥运遗产创造、维系的践行者。研究聚焦奥运之城面临的困局与机遇,通过对全球著名奥林匹克研究专家苏珊教授进行专题访谈,围绕奥林匹克运动改革的本质变化、国际奥委会对城市发展的愈加重视、东亚城市连续承办奥运会背后的逻辑、奥运之城与举办奥运会的利益相关者、“反奥林匹克运动”的客观认知、超大城市办奥的固化趋势与开拓性尝试、“天使之城”再次伟大的有益启示、中国城市未来的奥运梦想8个论题进行深入交流,以期激发思考奥运城市和奥林匹克运动可持续发展的学术火花。 |
FENG Ya-nan,SUN Bao-li,BI Tian-yang
(School of Management,Beijing Sport University,Beijing 100084,China) Abstract: The city hosting the Olympic Games are practitioners of sustainable development of Olympic Games and the creation and maintenance of the Olympic legacy. Focusing on the dilemma and opportunity for Olympic city, and interviewing with the world-wide famous Olympic researcher, Susan Brownell, this study deeply analyzes and discusses eight themes around the following topics: the essential changes on the reform of Olympic Games, the in-creasing attention on urban development for IOC, the logic behind the East Asian cities continually hosted the Olympics, the Olympic city and interest-related objects hosted the Olympics, the objective cognition about “anti-Olympics Games”, the solidification trend and pioneering attempt for mega-city, the inspiration from success of Los Angel’s greatness once again, and the future Olympic dreams for city in China, so as to inspiring the aca-demic sparks of deeply contemplating the sustainable development of Olympic city and the Olympic Games. |