(华南农业大学 体育部,广东 广州 510642) 摘 要:从电竞热导入正文,以专科院校规模扩张、本科院校探索前行、电竞教育研究初露端倪,概括了电竞教育由滞后于电竞产业到迎来快速发展。接着,从两个代表性的反向声音中得到3点启示:一是如何利用电竞的正向功能实施电竞教育;二是电竞市场的规模关系到电竞教育的规模;三是现役职业选手的学历教育和退役职业选手的去向,也是电竞教育应考虑的问题。随后指出,电竞教育培养电竞专门人才的角色定位是正确的,但目前的角色扮演却是朦胧的,电竞市场对人才需求的数量也是朦胧的。电竞教育是传统高等教育遇到的新专业,而这一新专业又必然会遇到诸如教师、教材、课程体系等一系列人才培养等问题,并以教师和教材为例,说明这些处于朦胧状态的问题需要通过实践去探索、验证和解答。
DAI Jin-ming
(Department of Physical education,South China Agricultural University,Guangzhou 510642,China) Abstract: Starting with the introduction of electronic sports heat, the author summarized the course of development of e-sports education from lagging behind the e-sports industry to having rapid development, in terms of junior college scale expansion, university exploratory moving forward, and the initiation of e-sports education research. Next, the au-thor derived 3 inspirations from two representative negative voices: 1) how to utilize e-sports’ positive functions to im-plement e-sports education; 2) the scale of the e-sports market is related to the scale of e-sports education; 3) the aca-demic education of the active professional players and the future development of the retired professional players are also issues that should be considered for e-sports education. And then, the author pointed out that e-sports education’s role orientation for cultivating e-sports professionals is correct, yet its current role playing is hazy, and the e-sports market’s need for the number of professionals is hazy too. E-sports education is a new major encountered by traditional higher education, while such a new major will inevitably encounter a series of talent cultivation old problems, such as teacher, textbook and curriculum system etc; and taking teacher and textbook for examples, the author explained that these problems, which are in a hazy state, need to be explored, verified and answered through practice.