(华东师范大学 体育与健康学院,上海 200241) 摘 要:结合当前实施体育与健康课程标准的现状,运用教育学、课程与教学论、运动训练学、运动人体科学、学校体育学等理论,对义务教育体育课程实施中存在的问题进行分析与思辨,以此推进我国义务教育体育课程改革向纵深发展。研究认为,(1)促进体育课程目标实施应做到课程目标与课程内容深度融合,课程目标达成应结合实际有重点地予以落实;(2)在体育课程内容编制上应实施国家、地方、学校三级课程管理体制,加强课程内容的科学筛选,强化健康教育;(3)在体育课程实施过程中要发挥体育教师的主动性与创造性,采用多元化课程模式、科学分组、合理设计单元与课的结构进行体育教学,同时还要发挥课外体育活动、运动训练与竞赛的功能与作用,培养学生体育运动生活化习惯及终生体育意识;(4)采用综合评价方法科学评价体育课程实施效果,体育教师要注重运动技能教学,不要过度追求体质健康、高密度与高负荷指标,杜绝功利主义及模式化、标准化现象。 |
YAN Zhi-li
(School of Physical Education and Health,East China Normal University,Shanghai 200241,China) Abstract: Combining with the current conditions on the implementation of physical education and health curricu-lum standards, and applying the relevant theory from pedagogy, curriculum and teaching theory, sports training, sports human science, school physical education and philosophical development perspectives, this study analyses and discusses the problems in the implementation of physical education curriculum in compulsory education in or-der to promote the deep development on reform of physical education curriculum in compulsory education in China. Research suggests that:(1) the main factor affecting the objective implementation of physical education curriculum is the need for deep integration with the objectives and contents of the curriculum nowadays; (2) on the compilation of physical education curriculum content, the three-level curriculum management system should be implemented from the layer of nation, locality and school,and strengthening the scientific screening of curriculum content and intensifying the health education; (3) the initiative and creativity of physical education teachers should be brought into full play in the implementation of physical education curriculum, and using diversified curriculum model, sci-entifically arranging groups, rationally designing structure of units and curriculum to carry out physical education teaching, and fully exerting the functions and roles of extracurricular physical activities and sports training and competition, and cultivating exercise habit in daily life and lifelong awareness in sports; (4)using comprehensive evaluation method to scientifically evaluate the implementation effect of physical education curriculum,and physical education teachers should pay attention to the teaching of sports skills instead of over-pursuing physical health and high-density and high-load indicators, as well as putting an end to utilitarianism, and the phenomena of stereotype and standardization. |