(1.武汉体育学院 武术学院,湖北 武汉 430079;2.武汉体育学院 研究生院,湖北 武汉 430079) 摘 要:追求“真善美”是中华民族传统文化的重要特点和价值取向。中国武术有利于参与者“求真”精神的培养,有利于参与者“向善”品德的养成,有利于参与者“尚美”境界的提升。在新时代国家把“立德树人”作为教育的根本任务的引领下,发掘中国武术“求真”“向善”“尚美”的育人价值,不仅可以实现在各级各类学校传承优秀中华传统文化的责任和使命,而且还是对习近平总书记关于“引导学生珍惜学习时光,心无旁骛求知问学,沿着求真理、悟道理、明事理的方向前进”的有力践行。 |
WANG Gang1,HAN Jin-qing2,HOU Lian-kui2
(1.Wushu School,Wuhan Sport University,Wuhan 430079,China;2.Graduate School,Wuhan Sport University,Wuhan 430079,China) Abstract: Pursuing “truth, kindness and beauty” is an important characteristic and value orientation of traditional Chinese culture. Chinese Wushu is conducive to the cultivation of the participants’ “truth pursuing” spirit, the ac-complishment of the participants’ “kindness pursuing” morality, and the improvement of the participants’ “beauty pursing” state. Having entered into the new era, education in China reawakening such a fundamental education task of Chinese Wushu as serving “moral establishment and student cultivation” in the new era, and regaining such a student education value of Chinese Wushu as pursuing “truth, kindness and beauty”, not only can realize the respon-sibility and mission of schools of various types at various levels to inherit excellent traditional Chinese culture, but also is the vigorous practicing of the following instruction given by General Secretary XI Jin-ping: guide students to cherish learning time, to learn knowledge without distractions, and to develop toward the directions of pursuing truth, understanding reasons, and being sensible. |