(湖南工业大学 体育学院,湖南 株洲 412008) 摘 要:为引发学界对东方体育史研究的关注,在呈现我国体育史研究“厚西薄东”学术现状的基础上,分析其成因、指陈其弊害。研究表明,我国体育史研究存在的“厚西薄东”现象与中国传统的天朝大国观念、特殊的学科体制和优越的历史文化心态有关。这种学术现状,不仅淡化、模糊了中国传统体育文化曾经在亚洲乃至世界体育史中发挥的作用和地位,还会使我们错失许多了解、认识和反思自身的机会。加强汉字文化圈体育史的研究,不仅可以明确中国传统体育文化在东北亚的源头地位,还原部分中国传统体育文化的历史真实,还能为中国传统体育文化走出去提供历史借鉴,为我国非物质文化遗产保护工作提供依据。 |
(School of Physical Education,Hunan University of Technology,Zhuzhou 412008,China) Abstract: In order the catch the academic circle’s attention to eastern sports history study, on the basis of presenting the current academic situation of “the west is more important than the east” in sports history study in China, the au-thor analyzed its causes, and pointed out its harm. This research indicates that the phenomenon of “the west is more important than the east” in sports history study in China is related to the traditional Chinese Celestial Empire con-ception, special disciplinary systems, and superior historical and cultural mentality. Such a current academic situa-tion not only weakens and blurs the roles and status once played by traditional Chinese sports in Asian and even world sports history, but also will let us miss a lot of opportunities to understand, know and rethink ourselves. Strengthening sports history study in the Chinese character culture circle, can not only clarify traditional Chinese sports culture’s status as the origin of Northeast Asia, and restore part of historical truth of traditional Chinese sports culture, but also provide historical reference for traditional Chinese sports culture to go global, and provide data ref-erence for the non-material cultural heritage protection work in China. |