(1.西安体育学院 武术系,陕西 西安 710068,2.澳门大学 研究生院,澳门 999078) 摘 要:通过深入调查访谈的方法,采用笔录、照相和访谈等形式,对我国西部红拳器械的形制及其地域文化特征展开研究。研究认为:我国西部红拳器械形制各异、丰富多彩,包括替代器械、传统器械、特色器械、辅助器械、原创器械、观赏器械等;我国西部地域的自然人文特征塑造红拳器械形制,如西部地域鲜明的农耕文明特征、西部人民浓厚的生活气息及含蓄内敛的特性,西部地区战争多发的特点及西安十三朝古都的优势等都对红拳器械的形制有不同影响,其独特的地域特点还造就红拳器械长短相依、单双并举、多型混合、一械多形的特点;我国西部红拳器械形制还具有独具匠心、刚劲实用,因地制宜、凝聚精神,文化多元、相互融合,突破惯式、开辟新径,民间传说、口传延续的地域文化特征。 |
(1.Department of Wushu,Xi’an Physical Education University,Xi’an 710068,China;2.Graduate School,University of Macau,Macau 999018,China) Abstract: By means of in-depth investigation and interview, and by using such forms as noting, photographing and inter-viewing, the authors studied the structures and regional cultural characteristics of Hongquan instruments in western China, and drew the following conclusions: the structures of Hongquan instruments in western China are in different shapes and colors, including such contents as replacement instruments, traditional instruments, featured instruments, auxiliary instru-ments, original instruments, and appreciation instruments; the natural and humanistic characteristics of the western China region have made the structures of Hongquan instruments, e.g. the characteristics of distinct agricultural civilization of the western region, rich life atmosphere as well as implicit and restraining characteristics of the western people, the war-prone characteristic of the western region, and the advantage of Xian as an ancient capital of thirteen dynasties, have different in-fluence on the structures of Hongquan instruments, their unique regional characteristics have also made such characteristics of Hongquan instruments as long instrument and short instrument paired, signal instrument and double instrument com-bined, multiple structures mixed, one instrument with different shapes; the structures of Hongquan instruments in western China have such regional cultural characteristics as unique in design, rigid and practical, made locally, spirit converging, multiple culture, mutual fusion, breaking conventional forms, opening up new paths, folklore, and oral transmission. |