(天津大学 法学院,天津 300072) 摘 要:参加体育运动是基本人权,难民亦有不受歧视地参加体育竞赛的权利。2016年里约奥运会难民代表队的参赛彰显奥林匹克运动对人权等美好价值的追求,但同时也暴露出国际奥委会在善治方面存在的不足。国际奥林匹克运动应受《奥林匹克宪章》的约束,《奥林匹克宪章》对国际奥委会各个机构的权力进行划分;国际奥委会大会享有《奥林匹克宪章》的修改权,国际奥委会执行委员会与国际体育仲裁院共享宪章的解释权。规范性文件的解释方法多种多样,对文本的解释也可能产生不同于语词通常含义的效果,但解释不能彻底背离文本,甚至实质性地废弃文本。《奥林匹克宪章》明文规定参赛运动员必须代表一个国家,执行委员会却将其解释为运动员可以不代表任何国家或地区,执行委员会的解释明显超越《奥林匹克宪章》赋予其的解释权限。执行委员会允许难民代表队参赛的决定破坏了《奥林匹克宪章》的可预测性,侵犯了属于大会的修改宪章的权利。国际奥委会应该通过大会修改宪章的方式对难民参赛问题进行安排,而非由执委会任意解释宪章。 |
YU Liang
(School of Law,Tianjin University,Tianjin 300072,China) Abstract: Participation in sports is a basic human right, and refugees have the right too to participate in sports competitions without being discriminated. The refugee representative team’s participation in the Rio Olympic Games in 2016 highlighted the Olympic movement’s pursuit for beautiful values such as human rights, but in the mean time, exposed some deficiencies of the International Olympic Committee (IOC) in term of good governance. The Olympic movement should be bound by the Olympic Charter. The Olympic Charter divides the power of vari-ous organizations. The Session of the IOC has the Olympic Charter amendment right. The Executive Committee of the IOC and the Court of Arbitration for Sport share the Charter interpretation right. Normative document interpre-tation methods are diversified, text interpretation may produce an effect different from the usual meanings of words, but interpretation cannot totally deviate from the text, or even substantially abandon the text. The Olympic Charter expressly stipulates that a competition participating athlete must represent a country, yet the Executive Committee interprets it as that an athlete can represent any country or region. The Executive Committee’s interpretation obvi-ously exceeds its interpretation power given by the Olympic Charter. The Executive Committee’s decision to allow the refugee representative team to participate in the games has undermined the predictability of the Olympic Char-ter, and violated the Charter amendment right that belongs to the Session. The IOC should make arrangements for the refugees’ competition participation issue by means of Charter amendment by the Session, but not let the Execu-tive Committee interpret the Charter at will. |