(阜阳师范学院 体育学院,安徽 阜阳 236037) 摘 要:以浙江、上海、江苏、安徽、黑龙江、贵州的体育特色小镇作为重点研究对象,对我国体育特色小镇的建设理念、建设特点、建设目的、建设成效进行研究,认为我国体育特色小镇存在发展模式同质化或过于强调“特色”;推进主体单一,建设与管理成本较高;体制机制约束依然较大,活力激发不够;政府观念没有实现根本转变,社区营造相对滞后等问题。要推进我国体育特色小镇发展,必须夯实产业基础,加快培育主导产业,构筑坚实平台;坚持政府引领,强化市场主导,优化资源配置;不断进行机制体制建设,创新制度供给,做好科学规划;理清发展理念,厘定发展主体权责,重视社区功能建构。 |
CUI Jian-guo
(School of physical Education,Fuyang Teachers College,Fuyang 236037,China) Abstract: Based on sport featured small towns in Zhejiang, Shanghai, Jiangsu, Anhui, Heilongjiang and Guizhou as the key study objects, the author studied the construction conception, construction characteristics, construction pur-poses and construction achievements of sport featured small towns in China, and concluded that sport featured small towns in China have such problems as development mode homogenization or overly emphasizing “features”, undi-versified driving subjects, high construction and management costs, still too strict system and mechanism constraint, insufficient vitality stimulation, no fundamental change in government conceptions, relatively lagged community construction, etc. In order to boost sport featured small town development in China, we must solidify the industrial foundation, expedite cultivating the leading industry, build a solid platform, adhere to government guidance, inten-sify market domination, optimize resource configuration, constantly carry out mechanism and system construction, innovate on institutional supply, make scientific planning, clarify development conceptions, define development subject rights and responsibilities, and value community function construction. |