(1.华东师范大学“青少年健康评价与运动干预”教育部重点实验室,上海 200241;2.上海交通大学 体育系,上海 200240) 摘 要:运动和二甲双胍单一因素对2型糖尿病的血糖稳态都起到改善作用,但运动结合二甲双胍对2型糖尿病血糖稳态的作用仍存在矛盾,既有促进作用,也有抑制作用,相关分子机制仍需进一步研究。通过对该领域研究进展的综述,分析运动结合二甲双胍对2型糖尿病血糖稳态的不同作用,探讨并分析其原因及可能分子机制,为治疗2型糖尿病新的治疗靶点和方案的研究提供更多参考。 |
SHEN Wen-qing1,SUN Yi1,QI Zheng-tang1,QIAN Shuai-wei1,CHENG Shu-lin2,DING Shu-zhe1
(1.Key Laboratory of Adolescent Health Assessment and Exercise Intervention,Ministry of Education,East China Normal University,Shanghai 200241,China;2.Department of Physical Education,Shanghai Jiao Tong University,Shanghai 200240,China) Abstract: Such a single factor as exercise or metformin plays a role in improving the blood glucose homeostasis in T2D, there is contradiction in the effects of exercise combined with metformin on blood glucose homeostasis in T2D: there is a promoting effect, yet there is a retraining effect too, related molecular mechanisms need to be further studied. By reviewing and evaluating the development of researches in this area, the authors analyzed the different effects of exercise combined with metformin on blood glucose homeostasis in T2D, explored and analyzed their causes and possible molecular mechanisms, so as to provide more reference for researches on new treatment targets and programs for treating T2D. |