(1.武汉体育学院 体育大数据研究中心,湖北 武汉 430079;2.华中师范大学 终身教育研究所,湖北 武汉 430079) 摘 要:在社会学、教育学、管理学和心理学4个学科学科视域下,对我国学生体质健康促进所处困境进行剖析发现:社会层面的因素是制约青少年学生体质健康促进最高层次的因素,教育和健康管理作为社会系统的重要组成部分,两者都受社会因素的影响且在时间和空间上相互交融、相互作用。从整体来看,社会通过学校教育、健康管理从外部影响青少年学生体质健康促进工作,同时从内部(社会心理)作用于青少年学生的健康意识、健身动机、健身行为等,进而对青少年体质健康促进产生全面影响。研究从家庭文化建设、体育教学改革和体质健康管理等方面,结合政府、学校和家庭3个主体的协同作用,提出破解青少年学生体质健康促进困境的若干对策。 |
ZHONG Ya-ping1,JIANG Li-bing2
(1.Sports Big Data Research Center,Wuhan Sports University,Wuhan 430079,China;2.Institute of Lifelong Education,Central China Normal University,Wuhan 430079,China) Abstract: From the perspective of such 4 disciplines as sociology, pedagogy, management science and psychology, the authors dissected the predicaments in student physical health promotion in China, and revealed the following findings: so-cial factors are teenage student physical health promotion restricting factors at the highest level; as an important part of the social system, both education and health management are affected by social factors, and interacting with each other in terms of time and space. Overall, society affects teenage student physical health promotion work from the outside via school education and health management, and acts on teenage students’ health awareness, fitness motives and fitness be-haviors etc from the inside (social psychology), thus produces comprehensive influence on teenage student physical health promotion. The authors put forward several countermeasures for breaking the predicaments in teenage student physical health promotion in terms of family culture construction, physical education teaching reform and physical health manage-ment, coupled with the coordinated functioning of such 3 subjects as the government, school and family. |