(1.湖南师范大学 体育学院,湖南 长沙 410012;2.湖南工业大学 体育学院,湖南 株洲 412008) 摘 要:依据我国老年人体育政策年出台数量的变化和走势,结合不同时期体育政策制定主体、政策内容和社会支持主体的特点,将我国老年人体育政策发展历程分为政策肇始、政策探索、政策发展和政策深化4个阶段。我国老年人体育政策演进的主要特征表现为制定主体范围不断扩大、政策的内容更加具体和社会支持主体日益多元化3个方面,但还存在着政策制定各主体联动性不够、政策制定过程中社会参与不足、政策内容缺乏衔接性、政策内容可操作性不强及政策难以调动各社会支持主体的积极性等问题。研究建议从加强跨部门多领域协作,扩大社会参与老年人体育政策制定的渠道;细化政策内容,提高政策质量和可操作性;创新政策激励机制,鼓励各社会支持主体积极参与老年人体育事业;政策制定要未雨绸缪,面向未来。 |
FAN Cheng-wen1,2,LIU Qing2
(1.School of Physical Education,Hunan Normal University,Changsha 410012,China;2.School of Physical Education,Hunan University of Technology,Zhuzhou 412008,China) Abstract: According to the changing and trend of the numbers of Chinese elderly sports policies issued each year, coupled with the characteristics of Chinese elderly sports policy establishment subjects, policy contents and social sup-port subjects in different periods, the authors divided the course of development of Chinese elderly sports policies into such 4 stages as policy initiation, policy exploration, policy development and policy deepening. The main characteris-tics of evaluation of Chinese elderly sports policies are embodied in such 3 aspects as constant expansion of the scope of establishment subjects, more specific policy contents, and ever increasingly diversified social support subjects, however, there are still such problems as insufficient linking between various policy establishment subjects, inadequate social participation in the process of policy establishment, lack of connection between policy contents, not high enough operability of policy contents, the policies having difficulty to arouse the enthusiasm of various social support subjects, and such. The authors put forward the following proposals: strengthen trans-department multi-area cooperation, expand the channels for social participation and elderly sports policy establishment; refine policy contents, enhance policy quality and operability; innovate on policy stimulation mechanism, encourage various social support subjects to ac-tively participate in elderly sports undertaking; policy establishment should face the future and plan ahead; and such. |