(华南师范大学 体育科学学院,广东 广州 510006) 摘 要:自号“格斗狂人”的徐晓冬与若干传统武术传人的对决吸引了全社会的广泛关注,一度成为网络热点,引发了众多武术爱好者的热烈讨论。与此形成鲜明对比的则是传统武术理论界在此关键时刻不同寻常的缄默,这种看似不合情理的现象其实并不令人太过意外,而是由长时间以来传统武术理论界受差序格局效应影响导致的理论积弱趋势所决定的。传统武术理论界应当以此事件为契机进行充分反思,重构传统武术的价值体系,思考传统武术的基本理论问题,探求传统武术的现代文化意义。 |
MA Lian-zhen
(School of Physical Education,South China Normal University,Guangzhou 510006,China) Abstract: The showdowns between XU Xiao-dong who calls himself as a “Wrestling Maniac” and several traditional Wushu inheritors caught the extensive attention of the entire society, once became a network hot topic, and triggered a heated discussion between many Wushu fans. As a sharp contrast, the Wushu theory circle remained silent unusually at the critical moment, such a phenomenon seems to be unreasonable but is actually not so surprising, is decided by the theory accumulated declining tendency caused by that the traditional Wushu theory circle has been affected by the ef-fect of the differential order structure for a long time. The traditional Wushu theory circle should utilize this event as an opportunity to carry out thorough introspection, rebuild the value system of traditional Wushu, contemplate the basic theory issues of traditional Wushu, and explore the modern cultural significance of traditional Wushu. |