(1.河南大学 体育部,河南 开封 475001;2.河南大学 体育学院,河南 开封 475001) 摘 要:对全球化背景下中国武术文化的认同问题进行研究。研究认为:中国武术的文化认同危机源于全球化引领的文化变迁,以奥林匹克为代表的西方体育文化依靠其先进性与科学性成为中国武术发展模仿学习的对象,出现了中国武术生存空间萎缩和传统断裂的现象。在全球化背景下,中国武术对外传播需要运用一个“中国化”的语言;中国武术应对传统进行“再发现”与“再生产”以适应新的文化生态环境,以此来构建中国武术的文化认同。 |
GUO Chun-yang1,LV Xu-tao2
(1.Department of Physical Education,Henan University,Kaifeng 475001,China;2.School of Physical Education,Henan University,Kaifeng 475001,China) Abstract: The authors studied the issue of cultural identity crisis of Chinese Wushu in the context of globalization, and concluded that the cultural identity crisis of Chinese Wushu originated from cultural transition led by globalization; based on its advancedness and scientificity, western sports culture represented by Olympics became an object imitated and learnt by Chinese Wushu development, hence a phenomenon of survival space shrinkage and tradition rupture oc-curred to Chinese Wushu, which resulted in that a cultural identity crisis occurred to Chinese Wushu development. In the context of globalization, the external communication of Chinese Wushu needs to apply a “sinicized” language too; moreover, Chinese Wushu should carry out “rediscovery” and “reproduction” on traditions in order to adapt to the new cultural ecological environment, and therefore establish the cultural identity of Chinese Wushu. |