(1.杭州师范大学 体育与健康学院,浙江 杭州 311121;2.华东师范大学 体育与健康学院,上海 200241) 摘 要:借鉴学科教学知识(PCK)的测量工具——“视频-问卷调查法”对两所学校的300名职前体育教师展开数据收集,运用SPSS19.0软件进行统计分析,从年级、性别和学校差异等方面对职前体育教师PCK的状况进行考察,为体育领域教师PCK问题的进一步研究提供参考,为高师院校课程教学改革提供依据。结果表明:(1)职前体育教师PCK状况不容乐观。绝大部分职前体育教师PCK总体情况以及关于体育学科内容的知识、关于学生的知识、关于体育教学策略的知识处于“笼统或有限理解PCK”水平。(2)职前体育教师PCK各维度发展并不是同步的,表现出非线性发展的特点。(3)职前体育教师PCK呈现出学校、年级、性别差异。(4)职前体育教师PCK由各维度知识整合发展而来,“关于体育教学策略的知识”与职前体育教师PCK的相关程度最高。结论:从PCK角度看,职前体育教师“会做不会教”情况明显,职前体育教师“知识隔离”情况明显,高师体育教育专业整体培养质量不容乐观。基于职前体育教师PCK的发展,提出变一次性实习为分阶段实习,促进“有关学生的知识”发展;推进理论与术科课程教学改革,促进“关于体育教学策略知识”发展等建议。 |
ZHANG Lei1,SUN You-ping2
(1.School of Physical Education & Health,Hangzhou Normal University,Hangzhou 311121,China;2.School of Physical Education & Health,East China Normal University,Shanghai 200241,China) Abstract: By utilizing “video – questionnaire survey” – a pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) measurement tool used in the teacher area, the authors carried out data collection among 300 pre-service physical education teachers, carried out a statistical analysis by using SPSS19.0 software examined pre-service physical education teachers’ PCK condition in terms of class, gender and school differences, so as to provide reference for further study of the issue of physical education teachers’ PCK in the physical education area, and to provide a basis for normal university cur-riculum teaching reform. The results indicate the followings: (1) pre-service physical education teachers’ PCK con-dition was not optimistic; the vast majority of pre-service physical education teachers’ overall PCK condition as well as their knowledge about physical education disciplinary contents, about students and about physical education teaching strategies, were at the level of “general or limitedly understood PCK”; (2) various dimensional develop-ment of pre-service physical education teachers’ PCK was not synchronous, showing the characteristics of nonlinear development; (3) pre-service physical education teachers’ PCK showed school, class and gender differences; (4) pre-service physical education teachers’ PCK was developed from various dimensional knowledge integration, “knowledge about physical education teaching strategies” has the highest degree of correlation with pre-service physical education teachers’ PCK. Conclusions: From the PCK perspective, the situation of pre-service physical education teachers “can work but cannot teach” is evident; the situation of pre-service physical education teachers’ “knowledge isolation” is evident; the overall cultivation quality of physical education major in normal universities is not optimistic. Based on the development of pre-service physical education teachers’ PCK, the authors put forward the following development proposals: change one-time internship into phased internship; promote the development of “knowledge about students”; boost theoretical and academic curriculum teaching reform; promote the develop-ment of “knowledge about physical education teaching strategies”, etc. |