(广东体育职业技术学院 体育管理系,广东 广州 510663) 摘 要:对广东省高职院校体育类专业的设置情况、地理分布、招生数量、就业率、人才培养目标等进行调查分析,发现广东省高职院校体育类专业设置与广东省区域体育产业经济发展总体相适应,但还存在着培养目标模糊、培养规格类似等问题,提出进一步明确各专业边界、确立专业特色等建议。 |
(Department of Sports Management,Guangdong Vocational Institute of Sport,Guangzhou 510663,China) Abstract: The author investigated and analyzed the setting situation, geographical distribution, recruited student num-ber, employment rate, talent cultivation objectives of physical education majors in higher vocational colleges in Guangdong province, found that the setting of physical education majors in higher vocational colleges in Guangdong province was overall in conformity with the development of regional sports industrial economy in Guangdong prov-ince, but there were problems such as ambiguous cultivation objectives and similar cultivation specifications etc, and put forward suggestions such as to further specify various major boundaries and to establish major features etc. |