(1.哈尔滨师范大学 体育科学学院,黑龙江 哈尔滨 150025;2.黑龙江省冰上训练中心,黑龙江 哈尔滨 150009) 摘 要:以我国3名速度滑冰长距离项目优秀女运动员赴加拿大训练为研究对象,对训练成效展开研究。结果表明:我国速度滑冰长距离项目优秀女运动员赴加拿大训练在体能、技术和竞技成绩方面均有明显提升,分别达到或超过了原有最佳水平。我国运动员赴加拿大训练之所以取得成功,主要源于加方教练在体能训练中以有氧训练为主,以低有氧、混氧、无氧训练为辅的训练供能结构和以中低强度为主,以高强度为辅的负荷训练结构;技术训练成效在于改进、优化技术动作,注重技术动作效能;竞技成效在于训练把控严谨。为此提出提高对速度滑冰长距离项目运动特征和制胜规律的认识;借鉴先进训练理念,优化、改进我国速度滑冰长距离项目训练和提高训练科学化水平等建议。 |
GAO Jun1,FU Chun-yan1,LI Yu2,DENG Xue-feng1
(1.School of Physical Education,Harbin Normal University,Haerbin 150025,China;2.Heilongjiang Ice Sports Training Center,Haerbin 150001,China) Abstract: Based on 3 excellent Chinese long distance speed skaters trained in Canada as research subjects, the authors studied the training achievements, and revealed the following findings: the excellent Chinese long distance speed skaters trained in Canada had significant improvement in terms of stamina, technology and competition performance, achieved or exceeded their former best performance respectively. The reason for the success of the Chinese skaters trained in Canada was mainly due to that during stamina training the Canadian coaches used the training energy supply structure that bases mainly on aerobic training and secondly on low aerobic, mixed oxygen and anaerobic training, as well as the load training structure that bases mainly on medium and low intensity and secondly on high intensity; technical training achievements were embodied in improving and optimizing technical movements, and focusing on technical movement efficiency; com-petition achievements were embodied in controlling training precisely. Therefore, the authors put forward the following proposals in order to provide reference: refer to advanced training conceptions; optimize and improve long distance speed skating event training in China; increase the level of training scientification, etc. |