(河南大学 体育学院,河南 开封 475001) 摘 要:体育评价作为一种认识活动,是从感性评价到理性评价的发展过程。其中,感性体育评价伴随着人类体育活动的出现和发展一直贯穿其中,而汉代出现的“都试”以其明确的评价目的、严格的评价标准和严谨的实施过程成为理性体育评价的发端。理性体育评价在近代得到进一步发展,并开始出现有关体育评价的专门性研究。当前体育评价的形式和内容更加多样化,已经开始把整个体育现象作为研究对象,涉及与体育有关的各个领域。 |
YANG Jun,YAN Jian-hua
(School of Physical Education,Henan University,Kaifeng 475001,China) Abstract: Sports evaluation as a cognitive activity is a process of development from perceptual evaluation to ra-tional evaluation. Accompanying the appearance of human sports activities, perceptual sports evaluation therein went through such activities all the time, while the “grand military examination” appeared in the Han dynasty be-came the origin of rational sports evaluation due to its specific evaluation purposes, strict evaluation standards and precise implementation processes. Rational sports evaluation developed further in modern times, and dedicated sports evaluation related researches started to appear. Today the forms and contents of sports evaluation are more diversified, it has started to consider the entire sports phenomenon as its study object, and someday it will involve every sports related area. |