(湖南第一师范学院 体育学院,湖南 长沙 410002) 摘 要:1994年《萨拉曼卡宣言》提出的全纳教育旨在改善被排斥特殊儿童的教育处境,实现人人平等的受教育权利,让每个学生取得成功。但现实学校体育教育实施过程中,弱势学生无论是在运动技能的学习,还是在体育参与等方面仍存在不同程度的排斥或隔离,屡遭权利诉求的困境。研究认为,在全纳教育视域下为了让弱势学生体育教育权利得到有效实现,应从转变体育教育观念,健全体育教育法规和政策,修订体育师资培养方案,推行融合体育课程,改善体育设施建设现状等方面着手。 |
CHEN Shu,WANG Jing-qiong
(School of Physical Education,Hunan First Normal University,Changsha 410002,China) Abstract: Inclusive education put forward in The Salamanca Statement in 1994 was intended to improve the situa-tion of education of rejected special children, to realize everybody’s equal right to being educated, and to let every student succeed, but in the process of implementation of school physical education in reality, disadvantaged students were in a difficult situation of being rejected or isolated to a certain extent no matter in terms of sports skill learning or in terms of sports participation, and being deprived of rights from time to time. In the authors’ opinion, from the perspective of inclusive education, in order to let disadvantaged students’ physical education right be effectively re-alized, the following aspects should be started with: change physical education conception; perfect physical educa-tion regulations and policies; revise physical education teacher cultivation program; implement fusion physical education curriculum; improve physical education facilities; etc. |