(西南大学 体育学院,国家体育总局体质评价与运动机能监控重点实验室,重庆 400715) 摘 要:对国内外关于裸足跑生物力学特征研究进行了综述,概括了裸足跑与穿鞋跑在运动学、动力学、生理学等方面的生物力学特征差异。与穿鞋跑相比,裸足跑更多地采用前足着地、更短的步长、更快步频的行进方式,这种模式能大大降低地面的碰撞冲击峰、加载率;裸足跑能更多地利用好足部的本体感觉,从而可能增强足的力量及行进中的稳定性;裸足跑并不比穿鞋跑拥有更低的损伤率,当前没有权威性的证据显示行进中较高运动损伤率是由于巨大、反复的撞碰力所致,故影响裸足或穿鞋跑损伤率的方式和模式有待于进一步探讨;裸足比穿鞋跑更经济这已被实验所证明,而几乎每个长跑项目的世界纪录保持者都是前足着地的跑步者,故建议将裸足跑作为一种交叉训练方式纳入我国长距离项目运动员和教练员的训练计划中,这对改进运动员的着地方式是有益的。 |
LUO Jiong,JI Yu,GUO Qi-gui
(School of Physical Education,Key Lab of Physical Fitness Evalution and Motor Function Monitoringtion,Southwest University,Chongqing 400715,China) Abstract: The authors gave an overview of researches on barefoot running at home and abroad, and summarized the differences in biomechanical characteristics between barefoot running and shod running in terms of kinematics, dy-namics and physiology etc. As compared with shod running, more likely barefoot running is carried out in a way of moving forward with forefoot landing, a shorter step length and a faster pace frequency, such a mode can greatly reduce ground impact shock peak and loading rate; barefoot running can better utilize foot proprioception, thus in-crease foot power and stability during moving forward; barefoot running does not have an injury rate lower than the one shod running has, currently there is no authoritative evidence showing that a higher sports injury rate during moving forward is caused by a tremendous repeating impact force, therefore the way and mode that affect barefoot or shod running injury rate need be further probed into; it has been proven by experiment that barefoot running is more economic than shod running, while almost every long distance run event world record holder is a forefoot landing runner, hence the authors recommended to include barefoot running as a way of cross training into long dis-tance run event athlete and coach training plans, which is conducive to improving athlete’s way of landing. |