(华南理工大学 体育学院,广东 广州 510640) 摘 要:在世界体育发展的历史进程中,运动员-观众-竞技场三位一体构成的竞技体育从未改变。但是,在我国竞技体育高度发达的同时,观众却被淡忘了。受金大陆先生体育观众研究的启示,指出加强体育观众研究的必要性,提出了理论建构、经验研究与实证研究3方面的研究路径和应注意的问题,并建议将成熟型观众从理论命题上升到实践命题去加以研究。 |
(School of Physical Education,South China University of Technology,Guangzhou 510640,China) Abstract: In the historical process of world sports development, competitive sports composed of the trinity of ath-lete, audience and arena never changed. However, while competitive sports in China are highly developed, the au-dience is forgotten. Inspired by Mr. JIN Dalu’s sports audience research, the author pointed out the necessity to strengthen sports audience research, put forward such 3 research paths as theory construction, experience research and empirical research, as well as issues to be noted, and proposed to uplift mature audience from a theoretical proposition to a practical proposition and study it. |