(1.吉林体育学院,吉林 长春 130022;2.山东大学 体育学院,山东 济南 250061) 摘 要:以消费者行为为逻辑起点,以方法目的链为研究工具,采用深度访谈法及软式阶梯访谈技术,将其研究结果以消费者知觉价值图进行呈现,探讨冰雪体育旅游消费决策的影响因素。研究表明:冰上体育消费层级最重要的路径是冰上项目种类-增长运动技能-生活中的乐趣与享受;雪上体育消费层级最重要的路径是雪上项目种类-增进身体健康-生活中的乐趣与享受。 |
ZHANG Rui-lin1,LI Ling2,CHE Wen2
(1.Jilin Sport University,Changchun 130022,China;2.School of Physical Education,Shandong University,Jinan 250061,China) Abstract: Based on consumer behaviors as the logic start point, and the means-end chain as the research tool, and by using in-depth interview method and soft ladder interview technique, the authors presented the research results on a consumer perception value chart, and probed into ice and snow sports tourism consumption decision affecting factors. This research indicates the followings: the most important path of ice sports consumption level is ice event variety – increasing sports skills – life fun and enjoyment; the most important path of snow sports consumption level is snow event variety – improving physical health – life fun and enjoyment. |