(1.上海体育学院 经济管理学院,上海 200438;2.淮北师范大学 体育学院,安徽 淮北 235000) 摘 要:对212名残疾大学生接受体育教育教学状况进行调查研究。结果显示:当前我国残疾大学生在接受体育教育方面存在着较多困难,主要体现在学生对待体育锻炼的态度比较模糊、体育课程开设不能满足学生的特殊需求、体育教师不能有效促进学生体育发展、体育教学评价不尽合理等,致使教育公平理念推行遭遇到极大的阻碍。研究认为需要通过建立健全合适的外部机制、提升个体发展的内在动力、提出实践行动的具体依据、寻求充分的物质保障以及为残疾大学生提供科学有效的指导,为残疾大学生平等、有效接受体育教育提供有力支持。 |
CAO Da-wei1,2,LIU Chao2,WANG Xun-ling2
(1.School of Economic and Management,Shanghai University of Sport,Shanghai 200438,China;2.School of Physical Education,Huaibei Normal University,Huaibei 235000,China) Abstract: The authors studied the situation of 212 disabled university students accepting physical education teach-ing, and revealed the following findings: disabled university students in China nowadays had a lots difficulties in terms of accepting physical education, which is mainly embodied in the followings: the students’ attitude towards physical exercising was relatively ambiguous; the opening of physical education courses was unable to meet the students’ special needs; physical education teachers were unable to effectively promote the students sports develop-ment; physical education teaching evaluation was not completely rational, etc, which had resulted in that the imple-mentation of the conception of education equality was hindered to a great extent. The authors concluded that it is necessary to provide powerful support for disabled university students to equally and effectively accept physical education by establishing a complete and suitable external mechanism, promoting intrinsic power for individual de-velopment, building specific criteria for practical actions, seeking for sufficient material assurance, as well as pro-viding scientific and effective guidance for disabled university students. |