(1.华中师范大学 体育学院,湖北 武汉 430079;2.江西师范大学 体育学院,江西 南昌 330022) 摘 要:对《欧洲体育教育评论》(EPER)1995—2015年刊发的383篇学术论文,从研究主题、热点议题、研究主体、研究方法4个方面进行梳理和分析。结果显示:20余年来,共有来自28个国家(地区)的研究者在EPER发表了研究成果;研究者们越来越注重合作研究尤其是跨国合作研究;核心作者来自英国、美国、澳大利亚和爱尔兰。研究主题主要集中在“学习与学习者”“教师与教师教育”“体育课程与教学”等方面。从研究方法来看,使用频率较高的主要有访谈法、问卷法和文献法。 |
LIU Zhen1,HUANG Ai-feng1,CAO Ting2
(1.School of Physical Education,Central China Normal University,Wuhan 430079,China;2.School of Physical Education,Jiangxi Normal University,Nanchang 330022,China) Abstract: The authors collated and analyzed 383 academy theses published on European Physical Education Review (EPER) between 1995 and 2015 in terms of research topic, hot issue, research subject and research method, and re-vealed the following findings: for more than 20 years, there were researchers from totally 28 different countries (re-gions) contributing their research achievements on EPER; the researchers focused more and more on cooperative re-search, while transnational cooperation had become “new normality” for physical education research; core authors were from Britain, USA, Australia and Ireland. Research topics are mainly “learning and learners”, “teachers and teacher education”, “physical education curriculum and teaching” etc. From the perspective of research method, frequently used research methods mainly include interview method, questionnaire method and literature method. |