(1.华中师范大学 体育学院,湖北 武汉 430079;2.华中师范大学 体育文化研究中心,湖北 武汉 430079) 摘 要:从评价目的、评价内容、评价方法、评价主体、评价结果的运用等方面指出中小学体育教师评价的应然与实然之间存在的差距,认为产生差距的原因主要有:缺乏科学合理的评价标准、体育学科的边缘地位、体育教师自身的主动性不足、教师评价与教师管理混同,体育教师工作的复杂性等。提出了我国中小学体育教师评价首先需要规范应然状态,为教师评价提供参考;其次要参照应然状态规范实然状态,真正发挥教师评价的功效。 |
DONG Guo-yong1,2,LIU Li1,WANG Jian1,2,LU Chang-fen1,2,WANG Xian-mao1
(1.School of Physical Education,Central China Normal University,Wuhan 430079,China;2.Research Institute of Sports Culture,Central China Normal University,Wuhan 430079,China) Abstract: In terms of evaluation purpose, evaluation content, evaluation method, evaluation subject and evaluation result application, the authors pointed out that there were differences between ideality and actuality in elementary and middle school physical education teacher evaluation, and concluded that the reasons for producing differences in elementary and middle school physical education mainly included the followings: lacking scientific and rational evaluation standards, the marginal status of the physical education discipline, the insufficient initiative of physical education teachers themselves, teacher evaluation being mixed up with teacher management, the complexity of physical education teacher’s work, etc. The authors put forward that for elementary and middle school physical education teacher evaluation in China, we should firstly standardize the state of ideality, so as to provide reference for teacher evaluation, and secondly standardize the state of actuality by referring to the state of ideality, so as to actually exert the efficacy of teacher evaluation. |