(1.华东师范大学 青少年健康评价与运动干预教育部重点实验室,上海 200241;2.华东师范大学 体育与健康学院,上海 200241;3.遵义医学院 体育学院,贵州 遵义 563000) 摘 要:利用表面肌电贡献率比较了体质测试中3种不同姿势仰卧起坐(双臂胸前交叉、双手放大腿上、双臂体侧)在不同年龄和性别因素上的通用性,为科学、准确筛选出最优姿势的仰卧起坐提供理论依据。以6~14岁学生270人为测试对象,测试每个学生全身14块肌肉在完成上述力量素质测试时的肌电值,并标准化为表面肌电贡献率;对3种不同姿势的仰卧起坐所有肌肉的肌电贡献率,分别进行年龄和性别的双因素方差分析和指标间差异的比较。结果可见,双臂胸前交叉仰卧起坐年龄、性别及其交互作用显著的肌肉分别为1、7、2块,年龄效应差异显著的年龄组成对数量为男女生共计45对,性别效应差异显著的肌肉数量为9块,年龄组为5个;双手放大腿上仰卧起坐年龄、性别及其交互作用显著的肌肉分别为5、6、5块,年龄效应差异显著的年龄组成对数量为男女生共计101对,性别效应差异显著的肌肉数量为11块,年龄组为13个;双臂体侧仰卧起坐年龄、性别及其交互作用显著的肌肉分别为2、10、3块,年龄效应差异显著的年龄组成对数量为男女生共计82对,性别效应差异显著的肌肉数量为13块,年龄组为11个。结果说明6~14岁学生完成3种不同姿势仰卧起坐年龄及性别通用性当属双臂胸前交叉的仰卧起坐最高。 |
SUN You-ping1,2,FAN Hong-bin1,2,3,JI Liu1,2
(1.Key Laboratory of Adolescent Health Assessment and Exercise Intervention of Ministry of Education,East China Normal University,Shanghai 200241,China;2.School of Physical Education & Health Care,East China Normal University,Shanghai 200241,China;3.School of Physical Education,Zunyi Medical College,Zunyi 563000,China) Abstract: By utilizing surface myoelectricity contribution rate, the authors compared the universality of sit-ups in 3 different postures (both arms crossing over the chest, both hands on thighs, both arms at both sides) in fitness testing in terms of age and gender factors, so as to provide a theoretical criterion for screening out sit-ups in the optimal posture in a scientific and accurate way. Basing the test objects on 270 students aged 6-14, the authors tested the myoelectricity values of 14 muscles in the whole body of every student during completing the said strength quality testing, and then standardized them into surface myoelectricity contribution rates, carried out an age and gender factors analysis of variance and a comparison of differences between indexes on the surface myoelectricity contri-bution rates of all the muscles involved in sit-ups in 3 different postures, and revealed the following findings: the numbers of the age, gender and their interaction significant muscles involved in sit-ups with both arms crossing over the chest are respectively 1, 7 and 2 pieces, the number of pairs in the age effect difference significant age groups are totally 45 pairs of male and female students, the number of gender effect difference significant muscles is 9 pieces, there are 5 age groups; the numbers of the age, gender and their interaction significant muscles involved in sit-ups with both hands on thighs are respectively 5, 6 and 5 pieces, the number of pairs in the age effect difference significant age groups are totally 101 pairs of male and female students, the number of gender effect difference significant muscles is 11 pieces, there are 13 age groups; the numbers of the age, gender and their interaction significant muscles involved in sit-ups with both arms at both sides are respectively 2, 10 and 3 pieces, the number of pairs in the age effect difference significant age groups are totally 82 pairs of male and female students, the number of gender effect difference signifi-cant muscles is 13 pieces, there are 11 age groups. The said findings indicate that among sit-ups in 3 different postures (both arms crossing over the chest, both hands on thighs, both arms at both sides) done by students aged 6-14, sit-ups with both arms crossing over the chest has the highest age and gender universality. |