(1.广州体育学院 武术系,广东 广州 510500;2.北京体育大学 北京 100084) 摘 要:正三摇跳绳是在单摇、双摇跳绳的基础上发展而来,是跳绳技术难度系数最高的动作之一。通过对正三摇和单摇跳绳技术动作的生物力学分析,发现正三摇在蹬地阶段下肢关节活动幅度、蹬地力较单摇更大,短时间内重心上升速度更快;腾空阶段各关节有明显的屈,滞空时间更长,更利于绳子快速通过脚底;落地缓冲阶段缓冲更充分,地面作用力更大;摇绳速度更快并呈现出一定的节奏变化。 |
YAO Qiong1,DUAN Quan-wei2,LI Hui2
(1.Department of Wushu,Guangzhou Sport University,Guangzhou 510500,China;2.Beijing Sport University,Beijing 100084,China) Abstract: The clockwise triple-skip technical move is developed on the basis of the single-skip and double-skip techniques, one of the moves with highest rope skipping technical difficulty coefficients. By carrying out a biomechanical analysis on the clockwise triple-skip and single-skip rope skipping technical moves, the authors revealed the following findings: , as com-pared with those of single-skip rope skipping, at the stamping stage, the clockwise tripe-skip rope skipping move had a larger low limp joint movement amplitude, a greater stamping force, and a faster center of gravity ascending speed in a short time; at the take-off stage, all the joints had obvious flexion, a longer hang time, which is conducive to the rope passing through the sole quickly; at the buffer stage, the clockwise triple-skip rope skipping move had more thorough buffering, a greater ground acting force, a faster rope swinging speed, and showed a certain change of rhythm. |