(1.华南理工大学 体育学院,广东 广州 510640;2.广东工程职业技术学院,广东 广州 510520) 摘 要:农民工是中国改革开放的伴生物,是经济建设和城镇化建设的主力军,是一个巨大的群体。但农民工体育研究较为薄弱,主要体现在研究反映迟钝,跟不上农民工的发展;研究质量不高,现状研究雷同;研究方法单一,问卷调查不规范;研究广度、深度、力度不足。认为农民工的社会改革走向将决定农民工体育研究的走向,提出农民工体育研究应该具有阶段性的特点,分3步走,即市民化初始阶段、市民化发展阶段、市民化基本完成阶段。 |
WANG Qian1,CAI Xiang-fei2
(1.School of Physical Education,South China University of Technology,Guangzhou 510640,China;2.Guangdong Engineering Polytechnic,Guangzhou 510520,China) Abstract: Peasant workers are a concomitant of reform and opening in China, a main force for economic construction and urbanization construction, a huge group of people. However, researches on peasant worker sports are relatively weak, which is mainly embodied in stagnant research reflections failing to catch up with peasant worker development, not high research quality, similar current situation researches, undiversified research methods, not standardized ques-tionnaire survey, and inadequate research extent, depth and intensity. The authors believed that the orientation of social reform of peasant workers will decide the orientation of researches on peasant worker sports, and put forward that re-searches on peasant worker sports should have stage-specific characteristics, be carried out in 3 steps, namely, citizeni-zation initial stage, citizenization development stage, and citizenization basically completed stage. |