(1.四川师范大学 体育学院,四川 成都 610068;2.四川师范大学 教育科学学院,四川 成都 610068) 摘 要:以现象学自身表现出的哲学精神,对体育课堂教学进行检视。由“回归课堂教学事实本身”的原则思考得出:体育课堂教学应立足于“体”的基点,以“育”为旨归,寻求体育课堂教学现象的根源,突显“体育”的实践性,升华“体育”的教育性,实现“体”与“育”的耦合生成。通过回归课堂教学事实本身,建立动态生成的课堂教学状态,运用互动演变的体育教学方法,将教师和学生的课堂教学体验作为反思的起点,实现体育课堂教学活力与生机的焕发。 |
(1.School of Physical Education,Sichuan Normal University,Chengdu 610068,China;2.School of Education Science,Sichuan Normal University,Chengdu 610068,China) Abstract: Inspired by thorough philosophical spirit presented by phenomenology itself, i.e. contemplation of thing’s origin, the author examined physical education classroom teaching. By thinking based on the principle of “returning to physical education classroom facts themselves”, the author drew the following conclusions: physi-cal education classroom teaching should base on the “body”, aim at “education”, seek for the roots of physical education classroom teaching phenomena, highlight the practical nature of “physical education”, sublimate the educational nature of “physical education”, realize the coupled generation of the “body” and “education”; teach-ers can realize the rejuvenation of physical education classroom teaching by returning to classroom teaching facts themselves, establishing a dynamically generated classroom teaching state, using interactively evolving physical education teaching methods, and using the classroom teaching experience of teachers and students as the starting point of retrospection. |