(福建师范大学 体育科学学院,福建 福州 350108) 摘 要:在政府公共职能强化的背景下,从人类自身发展的角度重新理解体育公共服务的历史使命,无疑对体育公共服务的供给内容与服务特性有更准确的把握。文明的发展将人类身体的文化性发挥到极致的同时,也导致人类身体自然性的无助与退化,而体育运动作为身体运动的特殊形式,是人类阻止肉身自然性退化的艺术结晶和科学成果,为了不让人类的身体在文明进程中退化,为了积极应对现代文明病带给人类的巨大威胁,体育公共服务应承担起救赎与养护人类自然身体的历史使命,切实保障每个公民的身体养护之需,在提供与公众身体养护密切相关的有形产品中,加强国民体育强身观的引领与培养。 |
(School of Physical Education,Fujian Normal University,Fuzhou 350108,China) Abstract: Under the background of reinforcement of the government’s public functions, understanding the histori-cal mission of sport public services all over again from the perspective of the development of mankind itself will be no doubt helpful for us to grasp the contents of supply and characteristics of sports public services. The development of civilization resulted in the natural helplessness and degeneration of the human body at the same time it exerted the cultural nature of the human body to the extreme, while sport as a special form of body movement is the artistic result and scientific achievement of mankind preventing the natural degeneration of the human body. In order to not let the human body degenerate during civilization, and to actively deal with tremendous threats brought to mankind by modern civil diseases, sports public services should undertake the historical mission to salvage and care the natural body of mankind, practically ensure every citizen’s need for body care, and in public body care closely re-lated tangible products provided, strengthen the guidance and cultivation of the view of national sports fitness. |