(1.华南师范大学 激光运动医学实验室和民族体质与健康研究中心,广东 广州 510006;2.广东体育职业技术学院,广东 广州 510663) 摘 要:从功能内稳态(function-specific homeostasis,FSH)角度分析EIMD/DOMS过程影响运动成绩的正常发挥,而防治措施又大多无效这一现象,结果发现力竭运动所致的EIMD/DOMS,骨骼肌蛋白质代谢远离了蛋白质代谢内稳态(protein metabolite specific homeostasis,PmSH),EIMD/DOMS康复延迟,外源性有利因素干预可促进EIMD/DOMS康复;非力竭运动所致的EIMD/DOMS,蛋白质代谢处于PmSH,EIMD/DOMS正常康复,外源性因素对EIMD/DOMS无明显影响作用。 |
FU De-rong1,2,LIU Cheng-yi1,SUN Xiao-hua2
(1.Laboratory of Laser Sports Medicine and Research Center of Nationalistic Constitution and Health,South China Normal University,Guangzhou 510006,China;2.Guangdong Vocational Institute of Sports,Guangzhou 510663,China) Abstract: From the perspective of function specific homeostasis, the authors analyzed such a sign as that the proc-ess of EIMD/DOMS affected the normal exertion of sports performance but preventive measures were mostly inef-fective, and revealed the following findings: in EIMD/DOMS induced by exhaustive exercising, skeletal protein metabolism kept away from protein metabolism specific homeostasis (PmSH), and the recovery of EIMD/DOMS was delayed, but the intervention of exogenous favorable factors could promote the recovery of EIMD/DOMS; in EIMD/DOMS induced by non exhaustive exercising, protein metabolism was at PmSH, EIMD/DOMS recovered normally, so exogenous factors had no significant effects on EIMD/DOMS. |