(重庆师范大学 体育学院,重庆 400047) 摘 要:通过回顾历史,系统总结30年单项运动协会改革成效,深入分析制约改革实践的关键问题,主要包括:对改革目标界定不清,认识不统一导致改革缺乏明确的方向;协会与项目管理中心二者性质不清、关系不明;协会组织机构与政府同构;规范的协会管理体制、运行机制尚未形成,协会改革缺少必要的政策支撑等。进一步深化改革应明确改革目标,统一认识;厘清协会性质;完善协会组织机构、管理体制、运行机制以及相应的法律建设。 |
HE Qiang
(School of Physical Education,Chongqing Normal University,Chongqing 400047,China) Abstract: By reviewing history, the author summarized achievements made by the reform of single event sports as-sociations in 30 years, performed an in-depth analysis on key reform practice restricting issues, which mainly in-clude the followings: unclear definition of reform objectives, the lack of specific orientations for the reform as a re-sult of not unified understandings; unclear nature of and relationship between the associations and the event man-agement center; the association organization structure is the same as the governmental structure; a standardized as-sociation management system and running mechanism have not been formed, and the association reform lacks in necessary policy support. In order to further deepen the reform, the followings should be done: specify reform ob-jectives, and unify understandings; clarify association nature; perfect association organization structure, manage-ment system, running mechanism and corresponding legal construction. |