(西北师范大学 体育学院,甘肃 兰州 730070) 摘 要:回顾中国足球的改革历程,从“变”的态势和“不变”的脉络中,追寻中国足球制度改革过程中的路径选择。认为中国足球制度构建中价值理性与工具理性的失衡、“工具”与“玩具”本质的错位,是造成中国足球制度之殇的根本原因。未来的中国足球制度应该与中国经济发展模式相匹配,形成政府主导的举国体制培养青少年后备人才;市场主导的职业化发展职业足球联盟;公民自组织社团推广、普及足球运动等多种制度模式系统,协调发展、共同进步的格局。 |
ZHANG Guang-lin,KANG Lin-shan
(School of Physical Education,Northwest Normal University,Lanzhou 730070,China) Abstract: Reviewing the reform of Chinese football history from the “change” to “no change” in the context, seek-ing the football path of choice during Construction of China’s soccer system . I think that the value of the imbalance of reason and instrumental rationality, “tools” and “toy” nature of the dislocation caused by China’s soccer system is the root cause of the War. The future of Chinese football system should be to match China’s economic development model, to form a government-led system of training young people Talent, market-driven professional development football league, Citizens self-organization societies and other popular football model system, the pattern of coordi-nated development and common progress. |