(山西大学 体育学院,山西 太原 030006) 摘 要:对参加第11届全运会田径比赛女子三级跳远决赛前8名运动员三跳技术的相关运动学参数进行研究,结果表明:我国女子三级跳远运动员助跑绝对速度和起跳速度利用率较差,只有8.96 m/s和95.5%,与世界女子三级跳运动员的9.41 m/s和98.2%相比,差异具有显著性(P<0.01);起跳脚着地与离地瞬间身体重心水平速度较差,只有8.71 m/s,与世界选手的9.33 m/s相比,差异有非常显著性(P<0.01);单足跳与跨步跳时的身体重心腾起角度适宜,分别为(17.19±4.37)°、(15.07±4.12)°,但最后跳跃的身体重心腾起角过大(23.57±4.12)°,超过世界运动员的16°~20°;三跳的支撑总时间较长,起跳效果不理想。 |
LIU Sheng-jie,WANG Guo-xiang
(School of Physical Education,Shanxi University,Taiyuan 030006,China) Abstract: The authors studied kinematic parameters relating to triple jump techniques of top 8 triple jumpers par-ticipating in women triple jump final in track and field competition in the 11th National Games, and revealed the following findings: women triple jumpers in China had a poor absolute run-up speed and a poor take-off speed utilization rate, which were respectively 8.96 m/s and 95.5%, significantly different from 9.41 m/s and 98.2% achieved by world triple jumpers (P<0.01); at the moment the take-off leg lands and takes off, their body center of gravity had a poor horizontal speed, which was only 8.71 m/s, very significantly different from world 9.33 m/s (P<0.01); during hopping and striding, their body center of gravity had appropriate lift-off angles, which were re-spectively (17.19±4.37)° and (15.07±4.12)°, but at the last leap, their body center of gravity had a too big lift-off angle, which was (23.57±4.12)°, bigger than 16°~20° achieved by world triple jumpers; their triple jump duration was relatively long, and their take-off effect was not ideal. |