(中山大学 中国非物质文化遗产研究中心,广东 广州 510275) 摘 要:民间传统的狮子舞渊源于西域,传入中原以后发展成为南、北两大流派。其中南狮以岭南狮子舞为主要代表,下面又包括十余种独立的类型,都是具有研究价值的文化遗产。如果从社会功能和民俗功能的角度对这些舞蹈进行考察,可以发现它们至少具有吉庆娱乐、强身健体、祭祀悼亡、驱逐疫鬼等多项功能。其中祭祀悼亡的功能在梅州席狮舞中表现最为突出,这在北狮中似乎从未出现过。另外,驱逐疫鬼的功能在北狮表演中也已消失殆尽,但在广东醒狮、大埔金狮等舞蹈中却仍见遗存。 |
LI Guo-tao
(Institute of Chinese Intangible Cultural Heritage,Sun Yat-sen University,Guangzhou 510275,China) Abstract: Traditional folk lion dances originated from western regions, being developed into southern and northern schools after introduced into central plains. Lingnan Lion Dance is the primary representative of southern lion dances therein, including 10 plus independent types, all of which are cultural heritages worthy of studying. If these dances are studied from the perspective of social functions and folk custom functions, it can be found that they are at least provided with such functions as celebrative entertainment, physical enhancement, sacrificing and mourning, plague driving away, etc., in which the sacrificing and mourning function is highlighted in Meizhou Lion Dance, seems to never appear in northern lion dances. In addition, the plague driving away function has almost entirely disappeared in northern lion performances, but can still be seen in dances such as Guangdong Waking Lion and Dapu Golden Lion. |