(1.上海体育学院 体育教育训练学院,上海 200438;2.上海体育学院 项目训练中心,上海 200438) 摘 要:对拳击运动员邹市明备战北京奥运会训练手段、方法及训练内容的研究后发现:突出神经系统的快速反应和快速转换能力,以速度促强度,强化对比赛的控制能力,并紧密结合技、战术和实战要求安排专项耐力训练,通过针对性的心理适应训练,稳定发挥出“快速、全面、连续、变化、准确、控制能力强”的技、战术特点,是邹市明训练的主要特征。 |
ZHANG Qing-wen1,WU Zheng-ping2
(1. School of Physical Education and Sports Coaching,Shanghai University of Sport,Shanghai 200438,China; 2.Project Training Center,Shanghai University of Sport,Shanghai 200438,China) Abstract: Having studied the means, methods and contents of training for boxer ZHOU Shi-ming to prepare for the Beijing Olympic Games, the authors revealed the following major characteristics of ZHOU Shi-ming training: quick response and quick switching capacities of the nervous system was highlighted; intensity was enhanced by speed; the game control capacity was enhanced; dedicated stamina training was arranged closely according to technical, tactical and game requirements; steadily exerting such technical and tactical characteristics as “quick, comprehen-sive, continuous, changing, accurate and strong control capacity” by means of action specific mental adaptation training. |