(华南师范大学 体育科学学院,广东 广州 510006) 摘 要:对太极推手传统理论与文化及现代推手的技术实践等进行研究,认为太极推手秉承了太极拳运动基本技术风格和文化特色,且具有含蓄、谦让、和谐的对练技术特征。但将太极推手作为一项攻防竞赛项目开展,有违太极拳运动的传统理论和运动规律,误导人们对太极推手的认识和体验。 |
ZHANG Zhi-yong
(School of Physical Education,South China Normal University,Guangzhou 510006,China) Abstract: The author studied the traditional theories and culture of Taiji pushing hand as well as the technology and practice of modern pushing hand, and put forward the following opinions: Taiji pushing hand inherited the basic technical style and cultural features of Taijiquan, and has such technical characteristics as implicit, modest, and harmonious twin player exercising; however, the development of Taiji pushing hand as an offense and defense competitive event is contradictive to the traditional theories and movement pattern of Taijiquan, misleading people’s understanding and experiencing of Taiji pushing hand. |