(1.武汉体育学院 武术学院,湖北 武汉 430079;2.安徽商贸职业技术学院,安徽 芜湖 241000) 摘 要:综观50多年来武术套路竞赛规则演变,可以看出武术套路评分细则、运动员所得分数的处理办法以及运用电子评分系统的科学化程度对提高武术套路比赛评判的客观性起到了重要的作用。特别是评分方式从整体评分过渡到切块评分、裁判人数的增加及分工的细化、量化指标的增加等等提高了比赛评判的可操作性和评分的可比性,从而提高了武术套路比赛评判的客观性。建议逐步科学量化指标的同时要考虑到对武术套路运动技术的正确引导和提高裁判员的执法可操作程度;控制单场比赛运动员人数;进一步引入先进的科学技术提高评分系统的科学化程度,增加评判监督系统。 |
SUN Jian1,CAO Pei-fang1,SHI Xian-bin2,ZHU Ying1
(1.School of Wushu,Wuhan Institute of Physical Education,Wuhan 430079,China;2.Anhui Institute of Commercial Professional Technology,Wuhu 241000,China) Abstract: From the evolution of Wushu routine competition rules in over 50 years, it can be seen that Wushu rou-tine scoring rules, athlete score processing method, and the scientific performance of electronic scoring systems used at competition courts, have played an important role in enhancing the objectivity of Wushu routine competition judgment. Especially, the transition of the scoring manner from overall scoring to sectional scoring, the increase of the number of referees, refined job division, and the increase of quantified indexes, have greatly enhanced the oper-ability of competition judgment and comparability of scores, and generally enhanced the objectivity of Wushu rou-tine competition judgment. The authors proposed to consider the correct guidance on Wushu routine presentation techniques while quantifying indexes in a gradual and scientific way, control the number of athletes in a single competition, future introduce advanced scientific technology to enhance the scientific performance of scoring sys-tems, and add a judgment monitoring system. |