(1.阜阳师范学院 体育学院,安徽 阜阳 236041;2.安徽工程科技学院 成人教育学院,安徽 芜湖 241000) 摘 要:对当前体育利益分化的特点进行分析,提出以下对策:重树我国体育价值取向,承认利益主体的独立性,积极维护利益主体的合法权益;建立各种利益主体能够合理参与,民主科学、完善畅通的体育利益表达机制;建立“造血”为主、幅度适宜、公平与效率兼顾、区别对待的体育利益补偿机制;转化政府行政职能、划定政府职能权限,强化体育利益协调机制;加大投入,创建适应社会主义市场经济条件下的体育利益保障机制。 |
Differentiation and harmonization of sports interests in China in the social transition period LIU Yu1,FANG Xin-pu2 (1.School of Physical Education,Fuyang Teachers College,Fuyang 236041,China; 2.School of Adult Education,Anhui University of Technology and Science,Wuhu 241000,China) Abstract: The authors analyzed the characteristics of differentiation of sports interests today, and put forward the following countermeasures: reestablish the orientation of sports value in China, acknowledge the independency of principal interest bodies, actively protect lawful rights of principal interest bodies; establish a democratic, scientific, complete and smooth sports interest expression mechanism which can be rationally participated in by various prin-cipal interest bodies; establish a sports interest compensation mechanism that is orientated for “interest creation”, compensation amount appropriately set, fairness and efficiency concurrently considered, and compensation differ-ently made; transform the government’s administrative functions, specify the government’s functional authorities, intensify the sports interest coordination mechanism; increase inputs, and establish a sports interest assurance mechanism that fits into socialist market’s economic conditions. |