(江苏省体育科学研究所,江苏 南京 210014) 摘 要:民族自信是伟大的力量,而迷信可造成对自信的巨大打击。刘翔、罗伯斯共同盖过了无数世界高手,而一人被视为薄弱民族的特例,一人被认为是杰出民族的必然表现,这显然是以迷信冒充科学。以奥运会为代表的体育运动,展示出灿烂的进化现象,这是训练方法进化运动的表现。陈旧的训练方法,导致中国田径大面积落后;而胡鸿飞、孙海平从事训练革新,就出现辉煌的新星。克服迷信,钻研科学,这是中国田径发展的必由之路。 |
MAO Peng
(Jiangshu Research Institute of Sport Science,Nanjing 210014,China) Abstract: National confidence is a great power, while superstition can cause a tremendous impact on confidence. LIU Xiang and Roberts have together defeated countless world top players. However, one of them is deemed as a special example of a weak nation, while the other is considered as representing the certain performance of an out-standing nation; this is obviously to fake science with superstition. Sport represented by the Olympic Games shows a phenomenon of splendid evolution, which is a sign of evolution of training methods. Out of date training methods have caused track and field in China to fall behind in most events; while HU Hong-fei and SHUN Hai-ping carried out training innovation, and then brilliant sports stars appeared. Overcoming superstition and studying science is the inevitable way to the development of track and field in China. |