(陕西师范大学 体育学院,陕西 西安 710062) 摘 要:现代竞技游泳历史上,还没有哪一年像2008年一样,一年之内,108项世界纪录被打破!而这一切,几乎都源于神奇的“鲨鱼皮”专业泳衣。像“鲨鱼皮”等高科技因素对游泳这项基础运动的干扰,不得不引发人们对体育运动意义的伦理道德思考。奥林匹克的魅力并不在于少数人的光芒,而在于奥运五环旗下人人争先永不放弃的竞技精神。公平是奥林匹克最基本的精神之一,展现出人类最健康的一面。如果没有了公平,体育也就失去了魅力和价值。科技的引入必须被限定在不能破坏体育“公平性”原则的范围内。先进的技术并不能取代运动员个人的努力和天分。选手们应该回到游泳运动的基本和核心原则,因为比赛较量的并不是高科技。 |
LI Zhong-yi
(School of Physical Education,Shaanxi Normal University,Xi’an 710062,China) Abstract: In the history of modern competitive swimming, there is no year like the year 2008, in which the world witnessed an earth shaking change–108 world records were broken within a year! While the breaking of almost all these records originated from specialized swimming suits called “shark skin”. The intervention of high-tech factors such as the “shark skin” on swimming as a fundamental sport has inspired the thinking of the ethics of sports mean-ings. The charm of the Olympics does not lie with the brilliance of minority people, but with the competitive spirit of everybody competing to be number one and never giving up under the five-ring Olympic flag. Fair is one of the most fundamental Olympic spirits, showing the most healthy and positive side of human beings. If there is no fair, sports will lose its charm and value. The introduction of technology must be restricted within the range of not de-stroying the “fairness” principle of sports. Advanced technology cannot replace the true efforts and talents of indi-vidual athletes. The players should return to basic and core principles for swimming, because competition is not high technology. |