(1.山东理工大学 体育学院,山东 淄博 255049;2.上海体育学院 体操系,上海 200438;3.上海体操运动管理中心,上海 200093) 摘 要:核心力量训练的主要作用在于能够稳定运动员的骨盆、脊柱,保持正确的身体姿态,提高身体的平衡性和控制力,提高运动时由身体核心部位向四肢及其他肌群的能量输出,预防运动中的损伤以及伤后恢复,从而有助于运动成绩的提高。根据核心力量训练的理念,结合蹦床运动的特点,提出了借助器械和不借助器械的训练方法。 |
GAO Xi-bin1,WANG Qiu-ling1,XIA Shen-wu2,FANG Bo-sheng3
(1.School of Physcial Education,Shandong University of Technology,Zibo 255049,China;2.Department of Gymastics,Shanghai University of Sport,Shanghai 200438,China;3.Administration Centre of Shanghai Gymnastics,Shanghai 200093,China) Abstract: The main functions of core strength training are to stabilize the pelvis and spine of the athletes, and to help the athletes maintain a correct body posture, enhance the body’s balancing and controlling abilities, increase energy output from core areas of the body to other muscle groups during exercising, prevent kinetic injury and speed up recovery from injury, so core strength training is conducive to the improvement of sports performance. Accord-ing to the conception of core strength training, coupled with the characteristics of trampoline, the authors put for-ward training methods with and without the use of instruments. |