(湖州师范学院 体育学院,浙江 湖州 313000) 摘 要:根据形式逻辑对事物划分归类的基本原则,对现今武术项目管理和学术研究中存在的一种“约定俗成”的武术“二分法”进行审视。认为:把武术分为传统武术和竞技武术的归类方法不符合形式逻辑的分类规则。它不但从理论上否认了传统武术中竞技成分,让竞技武术成为无源之水、无本之木,还人为地把竞技武术和传统武术放在了矛盾和对立的两个不相容的平台上,成为传统武术和竞技武术之间矛盾升级的“催化剂”,为未来武术发展埋下了潜在隐患。 |
WEN Shan-tian
(School of Physical Education,Huzhou Teachers College,Huzhou 313000,China) Abstract: According to the basic principles of formal logic for the classification of things, the author examined a “folk custom” Wushu “dichotomy” existing in Wushu event management and academic study, and put forward the following opinions: the method to classify Wushu into traditional Wushu and competitive Wushu is not in confor-mity with the classification rules of formal logic; it not only theoretically denies competitive components in tradi-tional Wushu and lets competitive Wushu become a pool of water without source or a tree without root, but also places competitive Wushu and traditional Wushu on two contradictive and opposite incompatible platforms, be-coming the catalyst to escalate the contradiction between traditional Wushu and competitive Wushu, and producing potential hidden dangers for Wushu development in the future. |