(苏州大学 体育学院,江苏 苏州 215021) 摘 要:从政治概念的解析入手,将政治概念分为广义政治和狭义政治,狭义政治又区分为一般的狭义政治和反人道的狭义政治。认为奥林匹克运动的宗旨与广义政治概念是完全一致的,都是站在人类的终极关怀的高度追求完美的社会理想、追求人类社会的和谐发展,奥林匹克运动就是一种广义政治。在奥林匹克运动中,应该将广义政治与狭义政治分开,将一般的狭义政治与反人道的狭义政治分开,处理好奥林匹克运动与一般的狭义政治的关系,摆脱和超越反人道的狭义政治,奥林匹克运动将会实现其崇高的政治价值。 |
LI Xiang,WANG Yu-jun
(School of Physical Education,Soochow University,Suzhou 215021,China) Abstract: Starting at the dissection of political concepts, the authors divided political concepts into general politics and special politics, divided special politics into common special politics and anti-humanistic special politics, con-sidered that the tenet of the Olympic movement is completely consistent with the concept of general politics, i.e. pursuing perfect social ideals and harmonious development of human society from the perspective of ultimate care for mankind; the Olympic movement is a sort of general politics. In the Olympic movement, general politics should be separated from special politics, common special politics should be separated from anti-humanistic politics, the relation between the Olympic movement and common special politics should be nicely dealt with, and anti-humanistic special politics should be got rid of and surpassed, so that the Olympic movement will realize its sublime political value. |