(南京师范大学 体育科学学院,江苏 南京 210046) 摘 要:混沌理论作为系统科学的基础科学理论,其蝴蝶效应、内在随机性、奇异吸引子等相关原理对各个领域产生重要影响。在线性与非线性、封闭与开放性、可控与不可控等方面,对传统体育教学设计与混沌理论指导的体育教学设计进行了比较,得出新时期体育教学设计应重视元认知;应以人为本、关注个体的差异性;应重视学生的创造性思维培养等启示。 |
LIU Hong-jian ,SUN Qing-zhu
(School of Physical Education,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210046,China) Abstract: Related principles of the theory of chaos as a fundamental theory of science, such as butterfly effect, in-trinsic randomness and singular attractor, have influence on various areas. The authors compared traditional physical education teaching design with physical education teaching design guided by the theory of chaos in terms of linear and nonlinear, closed and open, as well as controllable and uncontrollable, and derived such inspirations as that physical education teaching design in the new period should value meta cognition, focus on people-orientated edu-cation, care about individual differences, and pay attention to the cultivation of student’s creative thinking. |